This is information for folks who are interested in proposing and running an event in Hartshorn-Dale.

Hartshorn-Dale has a Google Drive with information on potential and past event sites. Talk to an officer to get access to this information.

General Instructions: the Charter

Our Charter includes our rules for proposing and running an event in Hartshorn-Dale. You can find our Charter on our Resources page.

The first formal step to running an event is to bring a bid proposal to a business meeting, six months before the event date. The proposal should include the site, budget, staff, and activities. It will be discussed at the business meeting; often there are questions or suggestions. The proposal is then revised as needed, and brought to the following business meeting for a vote.

Event Steward Guide

Here is a guide for being an Event Steward (also known as an autocrat) written by Alison Wodehalle.

Bid Proposal Template

A bid proposal template is available through the Hartshorn-Dale Officers Google Drive, or a view-only copy is available here.

Sample Bid Proposals

Event Bid Proposal for East Kingdom Bardic Champions, held February 4th 2023. Event autocrat Alison Wodehalle. This was a single-purpose event, featuring the competition to chose the next Kingdom Bardic Champion, and was a Royal event with court.

Event Bid Proposal for first Harts & Horns, held October 8th 2022. Event autocrats Riocard Docair and Jakob Agnarsson. This event featured both rapier and armored combat, dancing, games, Arts and Science displays, and a feast.

Event Bid Proposal for Nova Schola, held March 4th, 2023. Event autocrats Brandr Bjorndall and Sarah le Payller. Scholas are usually focused on classes.

Advice for proposing and running events

In progress! If you have advice or lessons learned from running any part of an event that you would like included here, please contact the webminister.

Event Steward

  • The busy times in running an event are at the beginning when you are bidding on the event: Gathering information, creating a plan, recruiting staff. Then at the end, the week before the event, when you are tying up all the loose ends. Checking in with the department heads, making final arrangements with the site, and …. making maps, room signs, and sewing curtains and banners, doing all the silly things you could have been doing over the last 3 months!! ;P


  • Print out copies of the relevant waivers
  • Gate is often treated as an Info Desk, so Gate staff should be familiar with the event site (parking, bathrooms, where different parts of the event are happening) and the event schedule.