Welcome! There are many ways to connect with us, both online and in-person.
- You can contact our Chatelaine (official newcomer officer) at chatelaine@hartshorn-dale.eastkingdom.org .
- Our email list is the official communication method; all official activity announcement and cancellations are posted to the email list. To join, email the Webminister.
- You can join our Discord server by emailing either the Social Media officer or the Webminister
- You can join our Facebook discussion group
- You can follow our Facebook page
- You can stop in at one of our virtual brunches, held almost every Sunday morning on Google Meet (the link is available on our Calendar)
- You can check the calendar for one of our in-person practices. The Shire hosts regular gatherings to practice fencing, dance, or the arts & sciences. You can learn more by visiting our Activities & Practices page. Anyone is welcome at these practices, and special equipment (from medieval outfits to swords) is not usually required.
Table of Contents – click to jump to a section.
Participatory reenactment on your own terms
Clothing: Dress like the Middle Ages
Learning more about the SCA: Web resources

Participatory reenactment on your own terms
There’s a lot to do in the SCA, and you can choose which topics interest them the most. You can join the SCA to fence in fancy clothes, or to embroider in pleasant company. You can join the SCA to research and share your love of a particular era of medieval history — whether it’s reading history books, or experimenting with the process to create printing ink out of linseed oil. There’s no wrong way to get involved!

Clothing: Dress like the Middle Ages
Events are where we re-create the current middle ages! To create this atmosphere, everyone wears an approximation of pre-17th century clothing (“garb”). The Shire has loaner garb — called “Gold Key” — available for newcomers to borrow. Many people in the SCA make their own clothing; other options are to purchase garb, or arrange for somebody to make it for you. Some folks have a few sets of similar clothing; others enjoy exploring different styles. It all depends on what your personal interests are.
Contact the chatelaine (at chatelaine@hartshorn-dale.eastkingdom.org) to arrange borrowing a set of Gold Key. Hartshorn-Dale has several simple tunics that can be loaned out for an event.
The Shire holds occasional workshops to plan and work on garb; contact the chatelaine or the Minister of Arts and Sciences (at MOAS@hartshorn-dale.eastkingdom.org) to learn about upcoming workshops, or to request a workshop on the topic you’re interested in.
Please Note: Only events are held “in garb;” street clothes are typically worn to practices (like dancing and fencing), business meetings, workshops, and other activities.

Attending Your First Event
Ready for your first event? Or maybe you feel really nervous and don’t know how to prepare? Don’t worry, we’ve all felt that. The article “Getting ready for your first event” from the Known World Handbook, is a great resource to help you know what to expect and how to prepare. For example, many events expect attendees to bring their own “feast gear” (silverware, plates, and a mug). Please feel free to ask any Shire officer or member for help in preparing for your first event. We’re glad you’re here and happy to help.

Learning more about the SCA: Web resources
The SCA has great resources for newcomers.
Check out the SCA Newcomer’s Portal for general information on all things SCAdian.
The East Kingdom (our Kingdom) also has a Newcomer’s page.
You can become a card-carrying member of the SCA through sca.org. This official website is full of Society-wide resources.
The East Kingdom Gazette posts important Kingdom and Shire announcements, upcoming events, Court Reports, research articles, and other items of interest. You can also receive the East Kingdom Gazette as a mailing list.