Newcomers and spectators are welcome to all practices and activities! Dance practice (on Friday nights) and Fencing practice (on Monday nights) are regular social events; folks often come just to visit and chat.
Practices (and cancellations) are announced via the Hartshorn-Dale email list and Facebook page.

Armored Combat Learn how to fight with sword and shield! Practices meet most Thursdays. **Note that practice is on hiatus for Spring 2024**

Arts and Sciences. The Arts and Sciences include handcrafts, fine arts, performing arts, as well as research on all aspects of how people lived their lives during our time period. Our Shire includes members who practice many skills, including embroidery, sewing, spinning, silk banner painting, making glass beads (lampworking), wood-block printing, dancing, cooking, Illumination, bronze casting, and brewing. Currently, the Shire is holding weekly Zoom sessions twice a month, on Wednesdays.
Brunch (virtual). During the pandemic, we started meeting for a weekly Brunch every Sunday morning at 11 am, and have continued the practice! It’s a good way to ask questions, or get to know some of the members of the Shire. The link is available on our calendar.

Business Meetings. Everyone (newcomer, member, or Officer) is welcome at the monthly Business meetings, held on the first Thursday of the month. Business meetings provide an overview of current and upcoming activities and events, and chance to meet many Shire members.

Cooking. Who doesn’t love a good feast? Our cooking group experiments with period recipes to craft historic works of food art.

Dancing. Come out and join us for a Branles, a Pavane, Italian court dances, and English Country dances. Dance practice is held every Friday, and all dance levels are welcome.
Demos. Would your school, Scouting Group, or organization enjoy a demonstration of our activities? Various Shire members are happy to demonstrate their skills and research. Contact the seneschal (at if you’re interested in having us do one for you.

Fencing. Dale the fencing jackalope says, “It’s Monday, come out and stab someone!” Join our fencers for weekly practice on Monday nights. Loaner equipment is available.

Children and Youth Activities. Kids can be an active part of the SCA, and can participate in most activities, including fencing. Activities just for children and youth are held at some events and practices.
Youth Combat practice (for ages 6-16) is available upon request. Contact Youth Combat to set up practice.